
Farmers’ perceptions and management of citrus fungal diseases in Benin

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dc.contributor.author Toessi, Goudjo Habib
dc.contributor.author Sikirou, Rachidatou
dc.contributor.author Amari, Elisée Georges Dadé Ler-N'ogn
dc.contributor.author Gandonou, Esaïe
dc.contributor.author Zannou, Afio
dc.contributor.author Koné, Daouda
dc.date.accessioned 2024-09-05T13:59:41Z
dc.date.available 2024-09-05T13:59:41Z
dc.date.issued 2024-06-12
dc.identifier.uri https://repository.rsif-paset.org/xmlui/handle/123456789/452
dc.description Journal Article en_US
dc.description.abstract Background and aim: Citrus production represents an important activity for the national economy and a source of income for farmers in Benin. However, fungal diseases are a major constraint to production intensification. The aim of this study is to assess farmers’ perceptions on citrus fungal diseases in production areas in Benin. Methods: A survey was conducted among 417 farmers between July and December 2021 in four major citrus-producing agro-ecological zones (zones V, VI, VII and VIII) to collect their perceptions, knowledge and management practices of citrus fungal diseases. Results: Farmers reported that fungal diseases are one of the main constraints to citrus production, including black spot, anthracnose, brown rot, sooty mold and fruit rot. Among them, black spot disease is the most severe, causing damage to production. According to farmers, symptoms appear on fruit after fruit set, with a very remarkable presence and high incidence at maturity. Although farmers are most of times aware of the damage caused by fungal diseases with adverse consequences on their income, they have a poor knowledge of appropriate phytosanitary products to manage these diseases. Indeed, the majority of farmers (>60 %) use chemical insecticides, which they reported to be ineffective against citrus fungal diseases. Although chemical insecticides are their only recourse, almost 40 % use nothing to control these diseases. Farmers stated that climatic variability is a factor favoring the development of diseases, leading to reduced production. Conclusions: Among the several citrus fungal diseases, black spot is perceived as the most damaging, causing greater yield losses under favorable conditions, coupled with an almost total absence of appropriate control methods. This study contributes to the reorganization of the citrus industry and to decision-making on capacity building for farmers in terms of orchard pest protection, in order to guarantee better production of marketable and exportable fruit. en_US
dc.publisher Heliyon en_US
dc.subject Citrus Fungal diseases Farmers' perceptions Benin en_US
dc.title Farmers’ perceptions and management of citrus fungal diseases in Benin en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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